Heating Oil

PepUp home and commercial heating oil delivery, serving Maryland and Delaware.

Image of a technician performing propane home furnaces inspection.

Propane home furnaces: A 20-point checklist to find the best one

Propane home furnaces: A 20-point checklist to find the best one

Many of our heating oil customers are choosing to convert to propane home furnaces or boilers. If you’re in that camp, or if you have a propane heating system that will soon need to be replaced, we decided to do...

Home heating oil delivery requires clear access to the home's oil tank. Image of a heating oil tank outside a home.

Heating oil delivery and use: The 5 best tips from Delmarva residents

Heating oil delivery and use: The 5 best tips from Delmarva residents

Scheduling or preparing for a home heating oil delivery in the winter can sometimes be necessary to ensure a warm and comfortable home during the cold months. Here are five tips to help you stay on top of your...