Tag - propane cost

PepUp propane delivery driver Ben Fulton opens a truck supply line when filling a customer's tank during a propane service call on Delmarva.

How do you choose the best propane service on Delmarva? PepUp answers

How do you choose the best propane service on Delmarva? PepUp answers

When searching for new residential propane service on or near Delmarva, it’s a good idea to get to know each company’s pricing structure, contract details, and customer satisfaction ratings before you sign up. One great place to start is...

Propane cost per gallon blog post: image of a PepUp propane delivery truck.

10 factors that affect propane cost per gallon

10 factors that affect propane cost per gallon

Our delivery drivers and energy specialists are often asked: what is the current propane cost per gallon? We can answer that question pretty quickly, but the harder question is: why does propane cost per gallon fluctuate so much from month to month? While weather...