Author - pepupdigital

How to order emergency propane delivery in winter and stay warm and safe, blog post image of driver delivering home propane.

How to request emergency propane delivery when your tank runs out

How to request emergency propane delivery when your tank runs out

It's important to keep an eye on your propane tank's fuel level to prevent running out of gas, which would require ordering an emergency propane delivery. That’s why so many PepUp customers choose Automatic Delivery services to minimize the risk...

A PepUp home propane delivery driver fills a residential propane tank in Delaware.

How to prepare for your home propane delivery: A checklist

How to prepare for your home propane delivery: A checklist

PepUp home propane delivery customers on Delmarva and throughout the PepUp service area can help deliveries go smoothly by addressing a few maintenance tasks. Priority one is to assess your propane tank access routes to ensure residential propane service...

Propane cost per gallon blog post: image of a PepUp propane delivery truck.

10 factors that affect propane cost per gallon

10 factors that affect propane cost per gallon

Our delivery drivers and energy specialists are often asked: what is the current propane cost per gallon? We can answer that question pretty quickly, but the harder question is: why does propane cost per gallon fluctuate so much from month to month? While weather...